Friday, April 21, 2017

Page 150 and Page 151

Page 150:

"And I will satisfy your worship of purity of my intention." And spreading the cards before the mayor he begins with the ace. "When I see the ace it reminds me there is but one God. When I see the deuce it reminds me of Father and Son. When I see the trey it reminds me of Father, Son and Holy Ghost. When I see the four spot it reminds me of the four Evangelists that preached, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. When I meet the five it reminds me of the five wise virgins that trimmed their lamps. There were ten, but five were wise and five were foolish and were cast out. When I see the six it reminds me of the six days God made Heaven and Earth. When I see the seven it reminds me on the seventh day he rested from the great work he had created and hallowed it. The eight reminds me of the eight righteous Persons that were saved when God destroyed the World. Noah and his wife with three sons and three wives. When I see the nine it reminds me of the nine lepers that were cleansed by our Savior. There were nine out of ten who never returned thanks. When I see the ten it reminds" 

Page 151:

"me of the Ten Commandments that were handed down to Moses on tablets of stone. When I see the King I am reminded of the King of Heaven which is God Almighty. When I see the Queen I am reminded of the Queen of Sheba for she was so wise a woman as Solomon was a man."
"She brought with her fifty Boys and fifty Girls all dressed in Boys apparel. For King Solomon to tell which were boys and which were girls - King Solomon sent for water for them to wash. The Girls washed to their Elbows and the Boys washed to the wrist so King Solomon told by that."
"Well;" said the mayor; "You have given a good Description of all the cards except one."
"What is that?"
"The knave;" said the Mayor.
"I will give you a description of that too if you will not be angry."
"I will not; said the Mayor; "if you do not term me to be the knave."
"Well;" said the soldier; "the greatest knave that I know is the Constable that brought me here."
"I do not know;" said the Mayor; "that he is the greatest knave but I know he is the greatest fool."
"When I point how many spots there are in a pack of Cards."   

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