Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Page 148 and Page 149

Page 148:

October 1906
17th - Ellen Carstens died.
17th - Johanne Christen Rasmus died.
20th - Sofie Spillemands died.
25th - Sofie Spillemands was buried.
26th - Lars Olsen traveled to West Denmark.
28th - Charley Rasmusen received Sine's clothes.

November 1906
22nd - The Frenchman's sister-in-law died.
26th - Lars Eiby passed away.

December 1906
1st - Lars Olsen returned home from West Denmark.
4th - Albert returned home from Iowa.

October 1908
5th - A. T. Johnsen and Agnes's Silver wedding anniversary.
6th - T. Christensen and Anna (Mose) Silver wedding anniversary.
7th - Larsen wedding.
8th - Tilli Larsen wedding.

Page 149:
(this page is in English)

Pack of cards - Prayer Book - and Bible
A private soldier named Richard Lee was taken before a Magistrate for playing cards during service. It appears a sergeant commanded the Soldier at church, and when the parson had read the prayers he took the text. Those who had a bible took it out but this soldier had neither bible nor common prayer book but pulling out a pack of cards he spread them before him.
He just looked at one card and then at another. The sergeant of the company sees this and tells him; "Richard, put up the cards, this is no place for them."
"Never mind that;" said Richard.
When the service was over the constable took Richard before the mayor.
"Well;" says the mayor. "What have you brought the soldier here for?"
"For playing cards in church."
"Well soldier, what have you to say for yourself?"
"Much sir I hope."
"Very good, if not I will punish you more than man was ever punished."
"I have been;" said the soldier, "about six weeks on the march. I have neither bible nor common prayer book. I have nothing but a pack of cards." 

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