Monday, March 27, 2017

Page 128 and Page 129

Page 128:

There were three members from the Ansgar lodge and three from the Foresters who carried him to his grave. I put a tombstone on his grave which cost me $32.50. I also placed a marble border around the grave on the 24th of November 1903 which cost me $32.00. On the same day we put a similar border around Hanne's grave, even though the previous year another border had been placed around her grave costing me $15.00. Back when Jørgen had died and was buried and I had settled his affairs I gave $25.00 to Sine out of Jørgen's money. I did so because she had been so good to Jørgen during his sickness. So when the time came to put a tombstone on his grave I asked Sine if she wanted to kick in the $25.00 to help put a tombstone on Hanne's grave as well, to which she agreed. So one day, mother, Albert and myself  went to green Bay and ordered two tombstones that were to our liking. The cost for Hanne's tombstone came out of Jørgen's money which was the same as saying that I was paying for it.

Page 129:

Hanne was weak from birth, both in body and soul. and had a very difficult time learning and comprehending things. She did see the priest for two years and did manage to get confirmed. She was large and stocky and appeared a lot stronger than she was. She also suffered from catarrh and asthma and was therefore unable to do much of anything. Furthermore, every time she attempted something she would approach the problem in a backwards round about sort of way.
Then when she had gotten confirmed she was forced to head out and earn a living because we were such a large family with many mouths to feed. She acquired a position as a servant with Hans Nielsen in the town of Eaton where she remained for one summer. After that she went to Green Bay as well as a number of other places, but she remained unable to remain anywhere for very long. When she was twenty years old she married her nephew Peter Nielsen. She had mentioned that the first morning together she had made breakfast and he reamed her out because it wasn't good enough. It even got so bad that he hit her, sometimes so hard that it brought her to her knees. She later testified to that in court when they were getting a divorce. 
He only stayed with her for a short while before he left her and stayed with his parents who lived 

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