Monday, April 3, 2017

Page 134 and Page 135

Page 134:

A few days later she arrived at our house. However, she was very weak, and I immediately left to fetch Dr. Vasburg from Cooperstown. We sent for Rockwell and Artey as well. After a few days we began to realize that her condition wasn't going to be improving. So one day mother and I told Rockwell that if he wanted us to we would take care of Hanne the best we could. That way he's be able to continue tending to his affair and maybe be able to make a bit of money. As long as he made sure to come by and see Hanne from time to time, and maybe even help out a bit around the house. We also didn't want him to leave Artey with us since we already had enough to see to without having to watch him as well. Rockwell was very keen at these suggestions and he and Artey swiftly took off. He did come back quite often to see Hanne and on several occasions stayed for several days. Hanne remained ill until the 21st of March 1902 which is when she passed away. A few days before she died she had sent for Sine and given her a ring which she was to take care of it and give it to Artey some day. It was the only inheritance that she had to leave for him. Sine took the ring into her care, and even though Rockwell wasn't present at the moment of her passing, Jørgen did fetch him that very same day. 

Page 135:

We asked him if he had the money needed to pay for her funeral, which he of course didn't. So I of course had to figure out something else. The day after her funeral I suggested that we sit down together and look at where we were at financially. 
We had previously lent them $75.00 as well as $50.00 that went towards the land that they had purchased. $30.00 for Hanne's operation and $62.00 that went to Dr. Vasburg. On top of that there was the funeral and a bunch of other expenses that we had procured while she was sick. We combined it all and came up with a figure of $300. So we asked him if he'd be willing to wash that against Hanne's inheritance which was an offer he found very agreeable. So we had a judge draw up papers and Rockwell gave us a receipt for $300. With this action he declined all further rights to an inheritance that Hanne might have had coming her way. 
Meanwhile, in order to cover all of the bills at hand, mother had to mortgage the farm for the amount of $300. The property had been previously mortgaged in the amount of $200 by mother herself from when she bought the land together with her first husband, Peter Johansen Hylsenberg.

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